Message from the President
Lions Club « St-Barts Island »

“We serve” is the motto of the Lions Club and it is fair enough to think that there is true greatness in doing good, because the good intentions that can animating individuals, what we generally call: kindness, benevolence, attention to others, or even altruism, come up against a natural resistance of the individual which is selfishness.
In 1981 it was this humanist dynamic that was at the origin of the creation of the Lions Club “Île de Saint-Barthélemy”; some of the founding members are still present and active today, and this surge of generosity is still very much alive in the Lions Club; it is an imprint of harmony in the social life of the small community of Saint-Barthélemy.
Since its creation, many actions have been carried out, both locally and outside the island and under the impetus of the Lions Club, it should also be highlighted that the population of Saint-Barthélemy has always responded in a very positive and generous way.
More than ever, the philosophy of the Lions Club is a process of transformation, because its beneficial effect contributes to modifying human relations in our societies; this is all the more encouraging since the Lions Club, created in the USA in 1917 by Melvin Jones, is today by far the leading international NGO with more than 47,000 clubs and 1,400,000 members in 208 countries around the world.
« LIONS » means : Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations’ Safety
“We serve” is more than a slogan, it is an invitation to contemporary humanism.
One last important point: all our actions are only possible thanks to your donations.
Jean-Jacques Rigaud
Vice President
Creation of Lions Club “Île de Saint-Barthélemy”
During my many trips to Guadeloupe in the 1970s and 80s, a friend of my father, the Lions Daniel Babin, encouraged me to create a Lions Club on our island. It is to his son-in-law, the Lions Fosy Molinard of District 63, recently installed in St-Barth and to his perseverance with many of us, that returned the privilege of our presentation of Charter, October 31, 1981.
There were about twenty of us, including three former Lions of Guadeloupe and of Metropolitan France.
Our first meetings were information-intensive and practiced our motto “We Serve”.
Our first president was Jacques Mortier and our first actions were our participation in the creation of the Museum and the school of violins.
There was also the organization of the blood drive; the Christmas tree and presentation of gifts to the patients of the De Bruyn hospital; collection of glasses; sport and culture Bingos for our young people; District conventions and Lions Club visits to neighboring islands. Then many containers to Haiti, with the help of our dedicated, tireless and late Sister Jeanne Maurice.
These are some unforgettable memories of our early years of Lionism.
Raymond Magras
Former Président and Founding Member

Help us to carry out our actions
Donate by check payable to Lions Club –
BP 186 Gustavia 97095 Saint-Barthélemy FWI
OR click on the yellow button to pay by Paypal